Virtual Essay

Under this heading political scientists can express in a free style their views on the key problems of political science and on the current political life in Russia and in the world. The theme of the earliest issues (in the period from November 2000 till August 2001) were connected to the 10th anniversary of our journal.

The theme for new course of texts was prompted by the life itself, by the tragic development of events that took place on the 11th of September in America. We are going to discuss more the distant consequences of these events than their concrete reasons. What kind of world would it be after the 11th of September, what kind of transformation would political norms and institutions be subject to?

Available only in Russian

In the June (2003) issue:

The issue contains: The Variety of Political Experience.

The Conversation with Vladimir Yakovlevich GEL'MAN.

2. Boris KAPUSTIN.
The excerpt from the book.

In the March (2003) issue: The issue contains:
Normative and Åmpirical Approaches in the Political Science.

1. Editorials

2. Vladimir GELMAN
Russian Politics - Perspectives of Empirical Analysis.

3. Leonid BLYAKHER
A Moral Standpoint and a Positive Science.

4. Igor PANTIN
Democracy in Russia: Contradictions and Problems.

In the October (2002) issue:

The issue contains: Philosophy of revolution: rethinking the experience of 1989-1991 years.

1. The talking with Boris KAPUSTIN
To stay on the plain of Modernity

2. Artem MAGUN
The Revolution: Its Concept and Experience

In the September (2002) issue:

The issue contains:
We present the first issue of the new journal "Cosmopolis"

1. Editorial Conten

The Making of Cosmopolis

3. Andrei MELVILL
The Foreign Policy Therapy "by Dr. Putin"

In the May (2002) issue:

The issue contains:

The Science of Society and the Truth of Russian System



In the December (2001) issue:

We devoted to theme of relations of politics and political science.
The issue contains:

Alexey Kara-Murza

Igor Pantin

Boris Makarenko

In the seventh (October, 2001) issue: We present new collection of texts: The world after the 11th of September: considerations and predictions. The conversation of global consequences of the events of the 11th of September has been opened by:

Vladimir Pantin
"The Clash of Civilizations?" or the Dialog of Cultures?

Vladimir Lapkin
Physician, Heal Yourself

Boris Mezhuyev
The Dreams of Future

In the sixth (August, 2001) issue:

The Talking with Igor Klyamkin.
Part Two. In Search of Exit From the Political Labyrinth

In the fifth (July, 2001) issue:

The Talking with  Igor Klyamkin.
Part One. The Test of Peace

Valerii Ledyaev
“Intelligentsia” As a Subject of Conceptual Analysis

In the fourth (June, 2001) issue:

Sergei Peregudov
Institutionalization of Russian Corporatism

In the third (May, 2001) issue: The Talking with Mikhail Ilyin.
“A Study of Modernity Requires to Be Professional”
In the second (March, 2001) issue:

Boris Mezhuyev
Some Methodological Aspects of Study of “the National Interest” Discourse.

Vadim Tsimbursky “The Iceland of Russia” for Seven Years (Adventures of the Geopolitical Conception). Part Two.

In the first (December, 2000) issue:

Igor Pantin
Going Our Own Way

Vadim Tsimbursky
“The Iceland of Russia” for Seven Years (Adventures of the Geopolitical Conception). Part One.

Boris Kapustin
Political Philosophy in the Russian “Ideas Market”