¹ 6 - 2011
Zagladin N.V., Zagladina H.T.

Russian Education at the Crossroads

The monograph published by a group of scholars of the RAN Institute of Sociology makes a considerable contribution to the deepening discussions on the problems of Russian modernization. On the basis of highly comprehensive data of sociological studies, economic, demographical and social statistics, the authors prove that Russian society has matured for postindustrial modernization, which, to bear a complex character, is to embrace the education system that is far from answering the tasks facing Russia. The problems of education are treated in the book fundamentally and as an integral complex, and whether society’s achievements in the sphere of education are demonstrated, or lamentable inadequacy of such achievements shown in the light of ripe problems of modernization,- the authors ever profoundly reveal the social bases of the events and processes described and analyzed.