¹ 3 - 2007
Dubovtsev V.A., Rozov N.S.

The Nature of “Russian Power”: from Metaphors to a Conception

In their article, the two scholars undertake an attempt of conceptualization of steadily reproduced particular features of Russian autocracy-type political regimes in their different historical forms – from the form of Grand Dukedom to the presidential one. The authors offer a critical analysis of the “Russian power” conception introduced by Yu.S.Pivovarov and A.I.Fursov, of its metaphoric properties and concrete socio-political content. The article develops the vision of a “vertical agreement” between the people and the power, interprets, from this angle, the key stages of Russia’s recent political history. A complex of hypotheses is formulated, that are to explain the historically cyclic character of autocracy, as well as to outline an answer to the question about the conditions of transformation of the “Russian power” into something more acceptable.