¹ 3 - 2006
Dakhin A.V.

State Power System in Russia: Phenomenological Transit

On stating that the ever more evident inadequacy of the concept of democratic transit puts on the agenda the question of renewing the set of theoretical instruments of political science, the author presents to the readers’ attention an approach within which the state power system is looked upon as a collective thinking being, and applies it for explaining the processes developing in modern Russia. The transformations of the state power system in Russia of the 1980s to the 2000s are defined by the author as phenomenological transit. With resort to basing himself on E.Husserl’s “Cartesian Reflections”, he singles out three key constituents of phenomenological transit (the phenomenological reduction, the constituting of intentional object, and the constituting of other) and indicates the signs of the corresponding processes on the level of current Russian politics.