¹ 3 - 2004
Sulimov K.A.

Politico-Philosophical Conception of Political Violence: the Search after Sense

In this work the readers are invited to reflect on the phenomenon of political violence. The author finds out a chain of paradoxes faced whenever an attempt is made to give the said phenomenon a clear-cut definition, which compels him to concentrate on the search for sense or politico-philosophical essence of violence. In his research, he, on the one hand, denies “positivistic-objective” connection between the political and the physical varieties of violence, and, on the other, he does not accept “moral absolutism” that presumes indiscriminate denunciation of all violence as moral evil. He finally proposes to give up any “external” view of political violence and, with C.Schmitt’s logic applied, to try to grasp the intricate particulars of this notion “from within” politics.