¹ 3 - 2002
Blyakher L.Ye.

Russian Political Discourse and Conceptualization of a Political Expanse in the Making.

In a political expanse in the making (i.e. about to come into being), which “simulates” (imitates) itself, there arises a specific reality irreducible to the “past” or to the “future”; neither is it reducible to a combination of both. In the present article, the author set himself the task to outline a methodology of studying political processes going on in this reality. According to his finding, grounds for the analysis of a political expanse and a political discourse in the making ought to be found within the very process of the making. Whereas within traditional philosophizing the thinker figures as “Other” in relation to the given entity, in the situation of the making, instead, the philosopher is himself in need of some “Other”, in the “juxtaposition” with whom he could constitute himself. But, inasmuch as a real “Other” is in this situation problematic, there ought to arise an artificial “Other”, one to be modelled by the theoretician. An additional communication channel is to appear as a result, one that is not involved in political interaction, i.e. one which is in a different ontical plane and therefore enables the avoidance of reflective paradoxes and the acquirement of “surplus vision”, necessary for research.